Exploring a local Farm

We recently visited a local farm here in WA, about 40min away from Lynnwood. It is a beautiful, peaceful farm where we had a chance to see how they grow baby plants and pick apples! We walked around, played with mud, got on a tractor, and enjoyed the beautiful botanical varieties on display. We even had the space to ourselves for a quick photo op by the apple orchards, where you feel immersed in a quaint, picturesque scene out of a romcom.


Connecting with Nature and sustainable growing practices Carnation, WA.

On our way out, we stopped by the Farm Stand to fill our pockets with the most delicious peaches that were devoured on the drive back home. Where the kids napped, tired, and happy with their peach faces. 

We will definitely be back soon. 

Find out more about the farm and their incredible work here.