Oxbow Farm
Oxbow is an organic, salmon-safe farm nestled in the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley, a wonderful place where food, farming & community become intertwined; they not only grow vegetables, but they also develop and nurture a constant love and care for the world, our earth, and our food systems.
I have been lucky enough to spend early mornings and late afternoons taking in the farm's sights and beauty; from the first day I visited, I fell in love with the views and the absolute peace you can feel when you're there, listening to the birds, the bugs, the wind, and the river flowing by.
Oxbow has a broad offering of opportunities to connect and love nature & the earth. Their Farm Stand is open year-round and offers access to locally-grown seasonal produce and products from partners and neighboring farms. They also host workshops, gatherings, learning opportunities, and outdoor music performances! Their fields and trail systems are open for free exploration. In addition, they have an unbelievably fun living playground and a climbing tractor that is always a hit with the little ones!
Over the past year, I have been Oxbow's lead photographer, capturing day-to-day activities, events, and the warm and beautiful smiles of all the staff who makes a huge effort to make the world a better place. It's a fantastic place to visit. My little one has attended a couple of weeks of their summer camp. Each time she comes back, she eats veggies, is fascinated by gardening, and is a little more in touch with nature and even herself.
Through their volunteering, membership, and educational programs (such as summer camps, and field trips) and their seasonal events (like pollinator day, and Oxtober) they are always finding new ways to bridge connections between ecosystem and community. Be sure to sign up to their newsletter to stay tuned to their latest offerings, and opportunities.
Founded as a nonprofit in 2009, Oxbow is dedicated to growing organic food and native plants, studying and building a resilient, biodiverse ecosystem, and educating children and the general public about food, farming, and the environment.
Whether you'd like to taste a freshly plucked carrot, learn (and shop) about native plants, sit under the shade of an apple tree to read a book, or plant a tree on a conservation site, Oxbow has something for you and everyone on staff will give it to you with a big smile and an open heart.
Learn more & connect with oxbow at www.oxbow.org & follow them on social media. [Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin]