Speaking Bee with Emma Pesis

Last fall, I had the absolute pleasure of working with the sweet & talented Emma Pesis on some branding images for her new book "Corbin Speaks Bee." Emma is an experienced outdoor educator in the Pacific Northwest who decided to take this endeavor and write a book that would support parents, teachers, and communities on how to use their local outdoor spaces and nurture a love for the ecosystem.

We walked around a quaint little street filled with shops and restaurants; while we took photos, she jumped, laughed, and told me more about her book. During one moment, two little bugs walked by her, then she suddenly paused her story greeted them and waved them a good day, and resumed her lively chatting! It was such a sweet interaction and to be honest, I am not even sure she realized she did it, it just came out so natural.

I've had the joy of seeing Emma in action during programs at Oxbow, and it's a wonder to witness her treating those friendly bugs with the same love and respect she does with the kiddos at the farm. Emma shares a magical sense of wonder as she delivers fascinating information, tips, tricks, and fun facts about the ecosystem. Making it magical and science-y at the same time. I can’t wait to read her book to my little ones.

I am grateful for Emma, and humans like her who plant seeds of environmental love in our youngest.

Learn more about Emma and her work here. You can buy Corbin Speaks Bee here or attend the upcoming book launch party at Oxbow Farm & Conservation Center on March 18. Register here [FREE], there will be tons of activities, readings, snacks and more!

Bee kind, and see you soon, my friends.



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